
Tube blaster to Ardor Oy

Finnblast delivered to Ardor Oy in Raisio  in Finland an automated blast cleaning machine for tubes.[...]

High speed blast cleaning machine for wheel sets delivered to France

Finnblast Oy has delivered to France a high capacity blast cleaning machine for wheel sets. It is  d[...]

Blast cleaning of moulds for car tyres

Finnblast Oy has delivered fully automated blast cleaning cabinet for cleaning of moulds for car tyr[...]

Blast cleaning of wheelsets

Finnblast Oy has delivered a blast cleaning machine for wheel sets to UK.  This machine is drive thr[...]


Innotrans 2022 Exhibition 20.-23.9.2022 in Berlin

Finnblast participates the railway exhibition Innotrans 2022 in Berlin, 20.-23.9.2022. Hall 6.2, S[...]

Finnblast Oy is participating the Innotrans exhibition in Berlin, 18-21.2018. Wellcome ![...]

Large blast cleaning cabinet

Finnblast Oy has delivered a large, pressure driven  blast cleaning cabinet. The cabinet can take large objects, width of the cabinet is 2100 mm and depth 2300 mm. The rotating diameter of the objects can be 2000 mm.  The cabinet is designed for manual blasting.   The work pieces are taken into the cabinet on a rotating table, which can be driven in and out.  The weight of the work pieces can be up to 2000 kg.  The cabinet has  excellent visibility, which comes from bright lights, from the patented air wash system of the window and finally from the efficient ventilation of the cabinet.

Large blast cleaning cabinet FB 2100-2300

Good visibility is a prerequisite for high productivity.   By good visibility the user can avoid  blasting surfaces too much.  He  can clearly see, which parts are cleaned and which surfaces still need to be cleaned.   So he can ensure high productivity and high quality of the blasted products. 

The cabinet has a third hand hole so that also high objects can be blasted on their upper surface.

In the filtering system of the air flow uses latest nano-technology .  Thus the dust content in out coming air is minimal and the life time of the filtering elements is long.   

Kotisivut yritykselle: Sivututka