
Tube blaster to Ardor Oy

Finnblast delivered to Ardor Oy in Raisio  in Finland an automated blast cleaning machine for tubes.[...]

High speed blast cleaning machine for wheel sets delivered to France

Finnblast Oy has delivered to France a high capacity blast cleaning machine for wheel sets. It is  d[...]

Blast cleaning of moulds for car tyres

Finnblast Oy has delivered fully automated blast cleaning cabinet for cleaning of moulds for car tyr[...]

Blast cleaning of wheelsets

Finnblast Oy has delivered a blast cleaning machine for wheel sets to UK.  This machine is drive thr[...]


Innotrans 2022 Exhibition 20.-23.9.2022 in Berlin

Finnblast participates the railway exhibition Innotrans 2022 in Berlin, 20.-23.9.2022. Hall 6.2, S[...]

Finnblast Oy is participating the Innotrans exhibition in Berlin, 18-21.2018. Wellcome ![...]

Blast cleaning of moulds for car tyres

Finnblast Oy has delivered fully automated blast cleaning cabinet for cleaning of moulds for car tyres.  The mould is brought into the cabinet on a wagon.   The cabinet has one blasting nozzle to do the cleaning job. The nozzle moves along the geometry of the mould.  The movement of the nozzle is made by three servo motors.  By rotating mould it will be cleaned completely.

The programming of the nozzle movements is easy.  To define the path you do not need any experience of CNC programming.

It is possible to use two different blasting media in the cabinet, e.g ceramic blasting media or dry ice. Blast cleaning with dry ice is gentle. With dry ice you can clean softer materials like aluminium without changing  the surface roughness of the workpiece. 

Blast cleaning cabinet for moulds of tyres


Kotisivut yritykselle: Sivututka