
Tube blaster to Ardor Oy

Finnblast delivered to Ardor Oy in Raisio  in Finland an automated blast cleaning machine for tubes.[...]

High speed blast cleaning machine for wheel sets delivered to France

Finnblast Oy has delivered to France a high capacity blast cleaning machine for wheel sets. It is  d[...]

Blast cleaning of moulds for car tyres

Finnblast Oy has delivered fully automated blast cleaning cabinet for cleaning of moulds for car tyr[...]

Blast cleaning of wheelsets

Finnblast Oy has delivered a blast cleaning machine for wheel sets to UK.  This machine is drive thr[...]


Innotrans 2022 Exhibition 20.-23.9.2022 in Berlin

Finnblast participates the railway exhibition Innotrans 2022 in Berlin, 20.-23.9.2022. Hall 6.2, S[...]

Finnblast Oy is participating the Innotrans exhibition in Berlin, 18-21.2018. Wellcome ![...]

Automated drive through blasting machine to Tillmann Profil GmbH

Tillmann Profil GmbH in Sundern in Germany is a member of Tillmann Gruppe with four companies.  ( The group manufactures special steel profiles, parts and components for car industry.  Their product portfolio inludes profiles like Z-, U-, C and  custom made profiles.  Profiles are made with  holes, bendings and laser welded sub-assemblies. The Group  offers  a large variety of surface finishing, like powder coating, CDC, calvanic  zink coating and painting in RAL colours.

The profiles are made by roll forming, bending and stretch forming.   The holes are made by laser cutting and punching.  Sub-assemblies are fastened on profiles by laser welding.   The production is automated by using robots and production cells with robots.

Finnblast Oy has delivered to Tillmann Profil GmbH in spring 2015 a drive through  blast cleaning machine, which is in work 24 hours per day.  The blasting machine is a part of an automated production line of profiles.   The blasting machine is made according the customers needs to achieve the needed capacity and the wanted surface quality.  The machine has PLC controls for optimal use of the blasting process as a part of an automated production line.


Automated drive through blast cleaning machine for profiles.


Kotisivut yritykselle: Sivututka